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Darth Ivan
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 24/09/2011 : 20:31:27
Evo prve knjige iz kompletne Don Rosa kolekcije; svedska verzija:
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Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Gil-galad suradnik
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 09:37:54
Gemstoneov Companion ti mogu ja nabaviti, ima ga ovde po striparnicama.
Lo$ TPB nema odavno jos, a sto se tice nabavljivosti putem neta - ako ti ne mozes da ga nadjes, ja ti tu ne mogu pomoci, znas kakav sam papak za te stvari :/
taj strip ide ko lud, Gemstone ga je stampao u 2 izdanja, i oba su nestala; BOOM! ga je isto radio u 2 ili 3 izdanja, nisam imao pojma dok pre neki dan nisam uzeo jos jedan primerak BOOM!ovog Lo$ vol.1 ludilo.... |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 10:06:39
quote: Originally posted by Lord Vader89
evo i celog plana za Evropu (Skandinavija+Francuska), mozda se neko i zadesi u blizini, sta ja znam ko sve cita ovaj topic Grin
Sept. 22-25: Gothenburg Book Fair, Egmont booth.
Sept. 26-29: In Oslo. During that time there might be an autograph session arranged by Egmont at the Tronsmo Book Store. Watch
Oct. 1: "Baltic Comic Art Show" in Copenhagen.
Then comes another Finland tour --
Oct. 25: 4.00 – 7.00 PM - Suomalainen Kirjakauppa bookstore, Helsinki center.
Oct. 26: 4.00 – 7.00 PM - Academic Bookstore, Turku.
Oct. 27: 4.00 – 7.00 PM - Kirja-Karkkainen bookstore, Tampere.
Oct. 28: 2.00 – 4.00 PM - Helsinki Book Fair: signing at Sanoma Magazines stand.
6.00 – 8.00 PM - Suomalainen Kirjakauppa bookstore, Sello shopping mall, Espoo.
Oct. 29: 10.00 – 12.00 - Academic Bookstore, Helsinki center.
1.00 – 1.45 PM - Interview at Helsinki Book Fair.
2.00 – 4.00 PM - Signing at Sanoma Magazines stand (Helsinki Book Fair).
Nov. 5 & 6: Lille Comics Festival, Lille, France.
obratite paznju koliko ima razlicitih mesta u Finskoj koja ce da obidje!!!!!!! ludnica u Finskoj, ludnica....
zašto li ne živim u finskoj? :/ |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Member since 05/07/2007 |
Posted - 26/09/2011 : 10:42:37
znam, i ja isto :'(
jbt, sutra je gostovanje u Oslu
dva sata!!!!! dva jebena sata samo!!!!!!
strasno....daj boze da ga uopste vidim kroz izlog.... ![](icon_smile_dead.gif) |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 11:18:23
ima da stvorim aparat ni iz cega ![](icon_smile_tongue.gif) |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 14:55:38
Vejeru, šta bi sa ovim Donald Duck (by Don Rosa) treasury? Jel to izašlo samo dva broja, jel prekinuto? ![](icon_smile.gif) Znam da si spominjao da oni nemaju neka prava da koriste njegovo ime? |
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Paka01 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 14:58:49
Yep, samo dva broja i prikinuto... A uostalom, sam si sebi odgovorija na pitanje ![](icon_smile_big.gif) |
Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 16:57:43
uostalom, sve stoji na prethodnim stranicama topica ![](icon_smile_tongue.gif) |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 16:58:02
mada, basically, prekinuto je jer je BOOM! izgubio licencu za Dizni stripove |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 26/09/2011 : 23:36:47
ali ne mogu da kazem, nije lose izdanje, odnos cena/kvalitet valja skroz |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Posted - 27/09/2011 : 18:43:23
e pa, drugari, vas drugar Vejder se danas ponovo susreo (na kratko) sa velikanom Dizni stripa o kome govorasmo pomalo na ovoj temi. Uh, kakva cast I kakav sjajan covek, jednostavno zraci ![](icon_smile_approve.gif) ![](icon_smile_approve.gif) ![](icon_smile_approve.gif) ![](icon_smile_approve.gif)
elem, da me ne bi progonile traume od prosle godine, danas sam otisao dobrano ranije do knjizare, i, guess what, nije bilo nikoga (zakljucak, ako u Norveskoj idete negde gde ocekujete kilometarski red ispred - pojavite se sat vremena pre toga; provereno u praksi u vise prilika) onda sam malo lutao po gradu, tumarao ko budala, obisao par striparnica (a i omrsio se malo ), i, vratio se do ove knjizare oko podne, opet nema nikoga. (DR inace dolazi u 14:00 (prvobitno trebao u 15:00, obradovah se)) nista, zaseo ja na tramvajsku stanicu ispred knjizare, izvukao si primerak Lo$, i krenuo opet iz pocetka. sreca pa sam bio dovoljno mudar da ponesem sa sobom i svesku za zvrljanje i olovku ( a saznacete i zasto )
elem, video par ljudi vec da se sumnjivo vrzmaju oko knjizare, pa reko ja ipak da pridjem, ne rizikuje mi se i stvarno, ispostavi se da su likovi dosli da cekaju na Rosu, te im se i ja pridruzim, malo razgovora, ovo ono....zanimljivo
elem, ubacim se u knjizaru polako, dosadno mi vise da stojim ispred, reko daj malo da razgledam knjige; kad ono, tamo vec stoji desetak ljudi, ceka pored stola za potpisivanje tu se i ja ubacim lepo, zasednem napokon, pa cekam izvucem lepo Lo$, procitam #2, te izvucem svesku i olovku, i napisem dugoocekivani review, koji cu da prekucam ovde u narednih par dana ![](icon_smile_approve.gif)
inace, iscimao sam se oko toga da li ce biti moguce da se potpisu 2/3 stripa ili ne, posto sam ranije imao problema s time, ali kad sam video da ljudi dolazi sa 20 stripova, za celu druzinu, rekoh sebi "nema brige" ![](icon_smile_big.gif)
plus, ono sto je zanimljivo, a sto nisam ocekivao, to be honest, je da je Rosa doneo punu ciniju domacih ljutih papricica (jedan od Rosinih hobija je uzgajanje papricica najrazlicitije vrste), bas je bilo cool videcete posle fotku
nista, krene red, i ja brzo dodjem na mesto, i ono, bilo je malo nategnuto, jer je bas zurio, znao je da ima malo vremena (3 sata samo), a ljudi gomila (jos nije video one sa po 20 knjiga ), i onda nije ni bilo caskanja, ni niceg posebnog
ali ima jedna zanimljiva anegdota ![](icon_smile_big.gif) naime, napisao ja asistentkinji koja mu je dodavala stripove moje ime i ime burazera (Milos), i sad, pita Rosa kako se pise "Š", jel sa oblim znakom iznad S ili uglastim; ona kaze sa oblim, ja kazem "ne, sa uglastim". i ona pita "a koji je to jezik uopste?" ja kazem srpski, a Rosa odjednom prekinuo potpisivanje, digo glavu, i reko ja "sta li ce sad da kaze jbt? o.O " a on pruzi ruku prema ciniji sa papricicama, i kaze "trebao bih ovde negde da imam jednu srpsku ljutu papricicu" ![](hail.gif)
nazalost, nije je nasao, mozda je neko pokupio u medjuvremenu, ali ja sam ostao na mestu odusevljen ![](hail.gif)
i tako raznenismo par reci ovako, nista posebno stvarno, tj, jeste posebno, ali nista konkretno ![](icon_smile.gif)
pogresno napisao moje ime, napisao "AleksandEr" umesto "AleksandAr" (vise mi muka od toga ), i onda se istripovao do jaja, poceo da razmislja sta da radi, kako da popravi (jbg, debeo flomaster), ja reko u trenutku ima da mi uzme novu knjigu i da napise valjano posvetu nije mi stvarno smetalo, al se covek do jaja istripovao ![](icon_smile.gif)
i tako, okinuo par fotki, jednu s njim i papricicama, jednu sa gomilom stripova, jednu ovako sa njim....
sve u svemu, bas lepo ![](icon_smile.gif)
a fotke kad prebacim na komp, stavljam i ovde ![](icon_smile.gif)
evo inace, da steknete predstavu o papricicama ![](icon_smile_cool.gif)
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
Edited by - Lord Vader89 on 27/09/2011 19:45:55 |
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Paka01 suradnik
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Member since 14/02/2009 |
Posted - 27/09/2011 : 19:26:55
Haha, super priča ![](icon_smile_big.gif) Baš mi je drago da si ga upozna i da je bilo tako dobro. Šteta šta i neki crtež nisi moga dobit, ali nema veze Vrhunski doživljaj čini se. |
Would a new flood please finally come? A real rain and an assortment of plagues And when all is said and done, even the Devil won't care enough to spit in the mud |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Member since 05/07/2007 |
Posted - 27/09/2011 : 19:43:07
upoznao sam ga ja jos prosle godine :)
crtez sam dobio za burazera, jer organizatori nisu dali drugacije -.-
nije meni bitno ni za potpis ni za crtez, zabole me, stvarno vise bih voleo kad bih na 10 minuta mogao da sednem sa njim i procaskam a to ne mozes dobiti
osim ako ne odes u SAD, gde on sedi na standu i dosadjuje se :D :/ (Vladimire, dolazim ti u vizitu )
no, i samo ovako, sresti ga i biti malo u njegovoj blizini je super samo po sebi, jer je sjajan covek stvarno :)))))) |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
Edited by - Lord Vader89 on 27/09/2011 19:44:00 |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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Member since 05/07/2007 |
Posted - 28/09/2011 : 12:40:53
evo mala zanimljiva prepiska koja se odvila danas izmedju 11 i 12h na sajtu jednih norveskih novina; citaoci su slali pitanja, a Rosa je na odabrana odgovarao. ima gomila vec zilion puta vidjenih stvari, naravno, ali ima i sjajnih informacija, o Rosinom stavu zasto klince ne interesuju stripovi, o sudbini majke Paje Patka, o ocu Raje, Gaje i Vlaje, o Rosinim papricicama.... ![](icon_smile_approve.gif) ![](icon_smile_sad.gif) ![](icon_smile_cool.gif) ![](hail.gif) ![](icon_smile.gif)
uzivajte ![](icon_smile.gif)
Q: This is not a question, just a thank you for all the great memories you created for me when I was reading your stories as a young boy! Every week I got the new issue of Donald Duck, and when I saw it contained a story by Don Rosa, I knew it was going to be great! You are a great artist! Thank you A: I appreciate this message very much -- I really do!!! And this is the sort of reaction from European Duckfans that helped me continue on for an extra 20+ years in my job. So I thank you!!!! But I think my job here is to answer questions? So, I am using this first message to display my appreciation of ALL the many other such messages you nice people have sent in! But now I will try to hunt down messages (in the hundreds I must read through on here!) that contain actual questions. And here I go..............
Q: Hi. What would it take to make more stories? Whit the fantastic details and humor you proudly presents. Anny thing we as fans could do to help?
A: No, but thanks for the thought! The reasons I quit were MANY. A long list of both philosophical and physical problems and frustrations. Perhaps the main one was my failing vision and my ultimate retinal detachment. I suffered permanent damage to my left eye (not that my right eye has ever been in very good shape). So, I know that so many European fans would do me great favors if they could, but there's nothing that can help my vision. (Sure, eye surgeons will tell me they know a fancy operation that would MAYBE solve the problem, but they will then admit that it could just as easily make my vision worse or even render me blind... so I leave "well enough" alone.
Q: First, thank you for taking the time to sign the whole series of Hall of fame books! We had a short conversation about the reading interest among children, and you said that it's a sad situation in the USA when it comes to this, and though it might not be as bad in Norway, it's still a problem here as well. What do you think are the most important measures to improve children's reading skills?
A: Remove the ability to see movies or TV or computer games at home. You asked, and I gave my answer. And yet NOBODY is as big a movie and TV and computer game fan as I am! My DVD & BD collection fills a room! I have one of the first home video systems, the RCS Selectivision VCR, bought in 1975! (It has a WOODEN cabinate!!!) So I would never actually want to see this happen! But it's the only thing that would save the human desire to READ and appreciate the beauty and art of the written word. Sadly, I'm sitting in a newspaper office writing this. I hope they stay in business long enough for me to finish this webmeeting.
Q: I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of you and your stories. You have made plenty of good stories, but my favorite is without any doubt the one at the McDuck castle where they find the knights templar treasure ( I don't remember the english title). My question is: The rumours said that u were going to make a story about the father of Dewey, Huey, and Louie. Of course, u never did. But did u have any plans of doing it, or was it just a rumour? If u were going to it: Can u please tell us what the storyline was going to be like? Have u made any ideas regarding it? One more question: I am staying in Africa at the moment, so I didn't have the opportunity to meet u this time. Are u planing any more trips to Norway in the coming years? Best regards Simen
A: People have always asked me to tell this story, and I would have loved to do so. But there was-is no possible ending to this story. Here are the options: 1) The Nephews go in search of their parents. They can't find them. No point to this. 2) They go in search of their parents and find they are dead. Pointless and sad. 3) They FIND their parents, and go to LIVE with them as they should. They leave Unca Donald. That can't happen! Impossible. 4) They FIND their parents, but stay with Unca Donald. That's not right! There would at least be nasty lawsuits and lots of crying. No good. 5) The last possible ending is one that I started to build a link to in an early story titled "Return to Xanadu". The deleted sequence from that story will be shown in that new DON ROSA COLLECTION book set that Egmont will release soon.
Q: Hello dear Don Rosa, I love your stories! Now I am in debt for years to come, because I buy Don Rosa?s work, the book series. You inspire me. Who inspired you to draw when you were a little ?lad?? Helga (10) Trondheim
A: CArl Barks inspired me to create stories. I never liked to draw. It was boring and I didn't think I did it very well. But I loved to TELL STORIES. And yet, I don't think Barks inspired me to "tell stories" any more than did MOVIES. I was also a huge fan of old movies when I was a kid -- we would see a lot more old movies on TV in the 1950's-60s than you did in Norway. Maybe 2 or 3 each day. And the comics I did when I was very young were NOT comics in my mind, they were movies. I never did more than one panel per page. I did comics that had only ONE panel per page. They were movies that I drew.
Q: Hi! How do you feel about the internet as a place for reading comics? I love the feeling of a new magazine or book, and don´t think that I will stop buying them any time soon, but I can´t stop thinking that internet has possibilities that actual magazines don´t have, regarding publishing and the the undergrowth of new comics. How do you feel about this?
A: I love books so much that I don't even like buying paperback books. I hunt down only hardback editions even if they cost more. Yes, I love the feel and the SMALL of the paper. I like holding it in my hands. Same with comics. I love the comics and the books as a PHYSICAL artform. Very old fashioned by modern youth ideas, eh? But I pity them for what they are missing. And yet, it has always bothered me, as a nature lover, that they are cutting down millions of square miles of TREES to print something as silly as a comic book. Or even sillier things like most of the other brainless entertainment magazines cluttering the newsstands! So... I hope that someday we will all be reading our comics and our books on computer screens. Or better yet on magazines and books made out of CORN or BRUSSELS SPROUTS or something that cab be grown more quickly than a beautiful tall tree.
Q: Again, I'm stunned to see you in Norwegian newspapers - without me knowing you were here at all! How can I be kept up to date on when you arrive? And will you ever venture further north than Oslo, say Trondheim? With loads of best wishes from Lena, a Donaldist north of Trondheim A: I have no websites of my own. Authors and cartoonists have websites to promote their own work to make more sales and make more money. But if I promoted my work so well that it sold an extra 10 tillion copies, I would only make more money for other people who refuse to share it with me. So if there are to be websites, I leave it to them. Howver there are lost of fans who have websites ABOUT me. And they have more time and ability to do a nice job, so I alos leave that to them, gladly! I even find out interesting things about myself there! So there is one fan who has a nice FaceBook page about me which you can find. It will tell you the upcoming signing tours. As for Trondheim or anywhere else, I go anywhere I am invited. I never invite myself. If you want me to visit you area, tell a local comics festival to invite me. I am a freelancer. They don't need to go through the publisher -- I go where I wish and do what I want. And meeting my fellow comics fans is what I love most.
Q: Hello Don Rosa, id just like to say how much i love your works, which are in my oppion the best donald stories ever, because of all the wonderful details and character development (especially with the life and times of srooge) But what was courious about is that in the story "letter from home" mathilda mentions that Hortense and her promised never to speak to scrooge again. Does this mean that there might be a story about hortense in the future or is she just "missing in action" like the father of and mother of Huey, Dewey and Louie? Sincerly Bjørn
A: My original intention for "Letter from Home" was that BOTH Matilda and Donald's mother Hortense be living at McDuck Castle. But the publisher said that I could not use Hortense. They said that if Donald's mother were alive, and even if she lived somewhere outside of Duckburg, that sometimes she would have been seen visiting Duckburg. At least at Christmas or something! But in70 years we have never seen here. To say that "Oh, she was visiting often -- we just didn't show those stories!" would really be cheating, don't you think? So they told me that they deemed Hortense to be DEAD. And I could not use her nor make reference to her. So I rewrote the story to only feature Matilda.
Q: Thank you for the great home-grown chilies I received at the book-signing yesterday! I'm wondering if you grow anything else in your garden, or are the chilies your only passion among vegetables? And what's your favourite dish to use them in?
A: We feed ourselves in the summer (and part of the winter) with what we grow in the garden. We are weekday vegetarians (but weekend meat-atarians! Yum!) We have plenty of room for a large garden when we live in the middle of a 10 hectare nature preserve. So yes, I grwo many different things.And many people ask me how I cook with my 40+ types of chilis that I bring to Europe and give to fans at signings. But I eat them like candy -- I don't cut them up or cook them in anything. Of course, I eat them WITH some other food -- like seasoning. A bite of this and a bite of a chili. There are 3000-4000 different types of chilis, of every possible shape and color and size. Growing them is one of my many MANY hobbies. My life is filled with enthusiasms and passions.
Q: ... just a heartfelt THANK YOU for all the wonderful stories you've shared with us. "The life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" is, in my opinion, a highpoint of story-telling, (in comics or not).
A: Well, they told me that I could only answer ONE more message. So I picked another of the MANY messages here saying very nice things about my strange looking stories, and offering me thanks that I want to again return back to all of you. It was ONLY due to the great appreciation that I felt from the comics fans across Europe that I could have stuck with this frustrating comics system as long as I did. And I'm still glad I did. Thanks to all of you.
They say I need to stop! Bye! |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
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Lord Vader89 suradnik
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9618 Posts
Member since 05/07/2007 |
Posted - 28/09/2011 : 17:20:08
pogledajte fantastican crtez, koji je svedski fan Ted Johanson urucio Don Rosi u Geteborgu pre neki dan:
vrhunski!!!! ![](icon_smile_approve.gif) ![](hail.gif) |
Potpis u dva reda, prema pravilniku: Vader je, kao i uvek, u pravu. ; john connor ; 2022 A.D. |
Edited by - Lord Vader89 on 28/09/2011 17:20:47 |
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Advanced Member
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6689 Posts
Member since 03/07/2008 |
Posted - 29/09/2011 : 12:15:47
Pocasno mesto za "ze chevalier noir"..."mooney bean ?" "yes, mooney bean !" |
Ko igra za raju, i zanemaruje taktiku, zavrsit ce karijeru u nizerazrednom Vratniku.
Kakav ti je kupus, takva ti je sarma -- otac Tadej |
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