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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 09:10:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Oki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
...iako je unutar stripa Gerasijev crtež zamjetno drugačiji i meni se također sviđa, nekako je jednostavno detaljan,no jedna tabla nije dovoljna da bi ga se moglo ocijeniti. Mislim da je za ocjenjivanje nekog crtača potrebno čitanje cijele epizode. Naučio sam to kada sam uzeo u ruke onog Fontovog Texa (gigant "Ubojice)...crtež mi se na prvi pogled uopče nije svidio,pogotovo u tom velikom formatu,a nakon što sam ga pročitao,baš crtež je bio taj koji je ovom djelu dao filmski ugođaj tako da nekih 250000 ispaljenih metaka(ili više) u ovoj epizodi gigant Texa nije bilo uzalud.
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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 10:16:59  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit CZdravko's Homepage  Send CZdravko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Po meni ovoliko sveden i pojednostavljen Piccattov crtez nije za stripa, nego za skice. Zato sam ga i uporedio sa storyboardom u pretprodukciji neke reklame. Ove danas Piccattove table mi izgledaju kao skice za table njegovih klasika tipa "Njujork, Njujork", "Izmedju zivota i smrti" itd, kao da je brzinski zabiljezio sta zeli postici na tabli...i ostavio je tako. Buduci da se sam bavim crtanjem znam da je najteze ustvari crtati jednostavno (ovo sto Piccatto postize svojim "skicama"), ali za sam gotov strip meni to nije dovoljno. Hajde kad je u putanju neki autorski rad, onda ok, ali ovo nije autorski strip i sama cinjenica da je Piccatto razvaljivao nekada, a sad je sto rece Deers "na autopilotu" mi je bezveze jer se vidi da to vise ne radi iz ljubavi, nego onako da mu ispadne iz ruku. Gerasi baca malo na Brindisija, ali treba vidjeti cijelu epizodu za neki ozbiljniji komentar. Mari takodjer "svrlja", ali zna postici mracnu horror atmosferu i po meni puno mu vise lezi Dylan, nego tehnikom natrpani Nathan. Ferrija ne bih da komentarisem mnogo, jer se odmah upale fanovi Zagora sa svojim subjektivnim izljevima. :-D Cinjenica je da lik ima ozbiljnih problema sa anatomijom, dinamikom i poziranjem likova i slicno, a izjave da je neko "legenda" i da je njegov Zagor "pravi Zagor" kod mene ne pije vode.

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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 10:38:10  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CZdravko

Po meni ovoliko sveden i pojednostavljen Piccattov crtez nije za stripa, nego za skice. Zato sam ga i uporedio sa storyboardom u pretprodukciji neke reklame. Ove danas Piccattove table mi izgledaju kao skice za table njegovih klasika tipa "Njujork, Njujork", "Izmedju zivota i smrti" itd, kao da je brzinski zabiljezio sta zeli postici na tabli...i ostavio je tako. Buduci da se sam bavim crtanjem znam da je najteze ustvari crtati jednostavno (ovo sto Piccatto postize svojim "skicama"), ali za sam gotov strip meni to nije dovoljno. Hajde kad je u putanju neki autorski rad, onda ok, ali ovo nije autorski strip i sama cinjenica da je Piccatto razvaljivao nekada, a sad je sto rece Deers "na autopilotu" mi je bezveze jer se vidi da to vise ne radi iz ljubavi, nego onako da mu ispadne iz ruku. Gerasi baca malo na Brindisija, ali treba vidjeti cijelu epizodu za neki ozbiljniji komentar. Mari takodjer "svrlja", ali zna postici mracnu horror atmosferu i po meni puno mu vise lezi Dylan, nego tehnikom natrpani Nathan. Ferrija ne bih da komentarisem mnogo, jer se odmah upale fanovi Zagora sa svojim subjektivnim izljevima. :-D Cinjenica je da lik ima ozbiljnih problema sa anatomijom, dinamikom i poziranjem likova i slicno, a izjave da je neko "legenda" i da je njegov Zagor "pravi Zagor" kod mene ne pije vode.

..da nisi dirnuo u Ferrija, ovako daj neke tvoje risbe i skice da vidimo tvoju anatomiju.

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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 10:41:04  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
sory, sad vidim na tvome blogu, nije loše..dapače vidi se da imaš talent, jedino što je to što crtaš karikatura...rado bi te vidio na "ozbiljnom" stripu...

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Lucy Liu
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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 14:10:21  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Lucy Liu an AOL message  Send Lucy Liu an ICQ Message  Send Lucy Liu a Yahoo! Message  Send Lucy Liu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Poli

Dylan Dog n. 308, mensile
La Dea Madre

Soggetto e sceneggiatura: Giuseppe De Nardo
Disegni: Marco Nizzoli
Copertina: Angelo Stano

Koliko sam shvatio, kćer Dylanove Djevojke mjeseca pobjegne iz svoje ženske škole u kojoj se skrivaju tajne koje nijedan čovjek (muškarac,tj.) ne bi smio znati (a koje će Dylan, naravno, saznati)...
Što se mene tiče, ocjena 10 samo prema ovom prvom pogledu.

My username was a mistake.
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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 14:22:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit CZdravko's Homepage  Send CZdravko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hehehe... E hvala... Pa dobro, imam na blogu i "ozbiljnijih" stvari (dole pod "older posts" ima nekih radova dok sam isao na Likovnu akademiju, a i ovdje sam na prosloj ili pretprosloj stranici stavio neki portret Dylana), mada istina je da se vise bavim karikaturalnim i komicnim stripom i ilustracijama. Ali nije bitno, ne zelim uopste da sebe poredim sa Bonellijevim crtacima, to je nemoguce i uopste mi nije bio cilj. Oni svi imaju respect do neba samim tim sto su u stanju da urade toliko velik posao (mada mislim da ni to nije toliko nemoguce kad ti je to sve sto radis u zivotu i kad od toga mozes super da zivis). Samo kazem da kad objektivno pogledas (znaci ne kao fan Zagora i Ferrija, za ciji te crtez vezu sjecanja na djetinjstvo i bla bla...) Ferri ima problema sa gore navedenim aspektima crteza i u Bonelliju ima sepet crtaca koji su svjetlosnim godinama ispred njega... Subjektivni dozivljaj je nesto drugo, ovo je cisto sa tehnickog aspekta crteza.

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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 15:15:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CZdravko

Hehehe... E hvala... Pa dobro, imam na blogu i "ozbiljnijih" stvari (dole pod "older posts" ima nekih radova dok sam isao na Likovnu akademiju, a i ovdje sam na prosloj ili pretprosloj stranici stavio neki portret Dylana), mada istina je da se vise bavim karikaturalnim i komicnim stripom i ilustracijama. Ali nije bitno, ne zelim uopste da sebe poredim sa Bonellijevim crtacima, to je nemoguce i uopste mi nije bio cilj. Oni svi imaju respect do neba samim tim sto su u stanju da urade toliko velik posao (mada mislim da ni to nije toliko nemoguce kad ti je to sve sto radis u zivotu i kad od toga mozes super da zivis). Samo kazem da kad objektivno pogledas (znaci ne kao fan Zagora i Ferrija, za ciji te crtez vezu sjecanja na djetinjstvo i bla bla...) Ferri ima problema sa gore navedenim aspektima crteza i u Bonelliju ima sepet crtaca koji su svjetlosnim godinama ispred njega... Subjektivni dozivljaj je nesto drugo, ovo je cisto sa tehnickog aspekta crteza.

naravno, Ferri ima kod nas veči limit od drugih crtača,crta več 50 godina, odlično dočara mračnu atmosferu, crta Zagora...blablabla...uglavnom kad dodaš nostalgiju Ferri izpadne savršenstvo...što se mene tiče Villa mi je potpuniji crtač a i nije jedini u Bonelliju koji je bolji od Ferrija...ali Ferri je kod mene prva ljubav kao i esse-geese i gledam jih drugim očima...ako ne drugo kad crtaš jednog tipa u crvenoj majici sa orlom na grudima več 50 godina nije moguće drugaćije nego da ga voliš kao i posao...zbog svega toga respekt Ferriju a tvoj Dilan je odličan za jedan od DILAN DOG kolor festa...
sretno u daljnom radu...ja poštujem rad svih ruku iako su oči navikle na Bonelli standarde...

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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 15:54:19  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit CZdravko's Homepage  Send CZdravko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uh, sto kazu "iz tvojih usta u Bozije usi" (ili bolje "iz tvoje tastature" :-D). Hvala na lijepim komentarima i zeljama, planirao sam ja (kad jos steknem iskustva i "utakmica u nogama" i uhvatim vremena od "tezgarenja") uraditi par tabli Dylana i poslati ih u Bonelli (ako sam budem zadovoljan njima)... iako kruze price da kako god da radis nemas bas sanse ako nisi Italijan (osim sada u Color Festu), znam da su mnogi i bolji od mene pokusavali, ali bezuspjesno, ali to cu uraditi cisto da mogu sam sebi reci "pokusao sam". ;-)

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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 16:19:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Johnny Difool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Prve dvije knjige DD Color festa koje sam zasad pročitao su mi prilično ugodno iznenađenje i osvježenje u odnosu na već dobrano rutinske i nezanimljive (čast izuzecima!) redovne nove epizode. Naglasak je na dosjetki, apsurdu i bizarnostima, plus dobar kolor i većinom dobri pa i odlični crtači koji se okušavaju na Dylanu, sve u svemu vrlo dobra, ležerna i nepretenciozna zabava. Ove kratke priče barem imaju duha, i doslovnog i stvarnog, za razliku od redovne serije gdje je isti već duže endemska pojava.

Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite,
i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti...
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Posted - 06/04/2012 : 17:44:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Beva a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Oki

...iako je unutar stripa Gerasijev crtež zamjetno drugačiji i meni se također sviđa, nekako je jednostavno detaljan,no jedna tabla nije dovoljna da bi ga se moglo ocijeniti. Mislim da je za ocjenjivanje nekog crtača potrebno čitanje cijele epizode.

Slažem se, samo sam konstatirao da me ova tabla puno više privlači od 'Brindisi wannabe' postera... A to je na kraju najbitnije... Sad bih čisto iz znatiželje pročitao cijeli strip pa makar i ne bio na razini ove table... A to je valjda dobar marketing...

Jubilarni Polo 10!
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King Warrior suradnik

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Posted - 08/04/2012 : 19:33:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send King Warrior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tornadomaster

harizmaticna naslovnica, tu je Stano stvarno nenadjebiv kada je u pitanju da napravi kadar.
Ove boje mi se ne svidjaju, likovi izgledaju plasticno.
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King Warrior suradnik

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Posted - 08/04/2012 : 19:34:22  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send King Warrior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tornadomaster

ova naslovnica je zaista odlicno uradjena, bez mane.
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Posted - 09/04/2012 : 09:42:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send istnkvc a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Jel zna iko da li se nekud moze naci ovaj intervju na engleskom? Pokusao sam da prevedem onim glupavim google translate-om ali ne vredi :(
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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 09/04/2012 : 15:33:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Johnny Difool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja ga preveo pomoću Binga:

300 numbers and 25 years to life for Dylan Dog: interview to Tiziano Sclavi
Interview by Roberto Recchioni

Original Link: interview with Sclavi

“UUAARRGH! Cari zombie, celebrating these three books with an interview with the father of our Old Boy. Thank you Andrea Queirolo which allowed all this and rrobe who managed to unbutton, although little, Tiziano Sclavi. Here's the interview feed readers started to decay, altroquando.

Criticism over the years, has identified in your work on Dylan Dog consciously postmodernist approach, unprecedented for the world of comics.

In my opinion though, even before this (which there is), there is a revival, equally conscious of what has been done by Gian Luigi Bonelli, and Sergio on Tex and Zagor, characters used by their authors as universal containers in which to place all the suggestions (literary and cinematic, playwriting) which, over the years, had affected them. Basically, in my view, Dylan Dog is a comic strip in the original tradition of Bonelli rather than a bearer of subversive elements within this reality. Is it really so?

Tiz. "I'm ignorant, don't really know what it means postmodernism. However you're right, Dylan began as comic Bonelli, as you rightly, albeit with some new (not subversive, hope, love and respect the tradition of publishing house). "

Although Dylan is the closest Hamlet of Bonelli, its codification as a character is very rigid and defined.

Has a costume, have a look, has a whole range of physical and character traits that define clearly, to the point of risking to turn the character (when written without the necessary foresight) into a kind of stereotypical caricature. Your approach I always seemed close to that operated by the Broccoli in codifying theJames Bond film. In this one, personally, I have always felt a kind of contradiction: on the one hand we have a character who, for sensitivity and feel, is set in the universe of doubt, on the other hand we have a characterization of that same character that is clean and devoid of nuances. Have you ever experienced this conflict? And, if this conflict exists, is perhaps the transition from the original character of Francesco Dellamorte to Dylan Dog?

Tiz. "I do think you at this time. But the characterization is essential in a serial character, must create the condition and I would say even addiction in the reader. If then there is a little more psychological depth, so much the better. Maybe this works: the contrast between the precise definition of the character and its actually a lot more indefinite. "

Read (and write) Dylan Dog, the impression you get is that you won't have ever given sort rules to use tools. You have always used every tool that you put the comic medium, just to get the emotional effect that you researched. Some times even at the expense of the internal consistency of language (think, for example, the use of captions of thought in a sequence of Dylan's first issue, only if the roll but strongly needed to maximize the effect of the sequence in question).

Basically, in my view, your approach to comics is virtually antithetical to that of another great innovator that Italian Giancarlo Berardi, Ken Parker, has eliminated a whole series of instruments of medium, to join his work to the medium of film. It's a proper analysis? It was, in the case of a rationalized approach?

Tiz. "I do not know, I write so, a bit like me, without asking myself big theoretical questions. The comic is a very limited, I try to exploit all possibilities. "

You have been the precursor of the 90 's feel with their politically correct and, along with Bret Easton Ellis and his American Psycho, you've helped dig the ditch to the years ' 80. You've never repented?

Tiz. "We do not make exaggerated comparisons. Bret Easton Ellis is a great writer, I'm a poor Italian comics. I have not contributed to anything. "

When I write Dylan Dog,ulla mind that takes the most terrifying of all blatantly staged both Groucho, a character that, for me, only apparently covers the role of the traditional comic Bonelli's shoulder but that, in fact, has side nothing short of disturbing. It's only my personal weakness or, in conceiving the character, bestowed this charge of knowingly madness inspirational?

Tiz. "No, I've never noticed. Dylan Dog, already in a comic project, was a bit "sharp", say forbidden to minors of 14 years, although it was never explicitly stated. The function of Groucho was simply loosen the tension a bit, from time to time. Umberto Eco told me that one of the reasons why read Dylan was believed to know all the jokes in the world and instead it said new Groucho that did not know. Madness, Yes, certainly, but not so inspirational. "

You have repeatedly said that the horror elements blend in Dylan Dog is derived from changed his audience's feelings. And so, like the splatter disappeared from cinemas in the years ' 90, disappeared from the pages of Dylan, in that same decade. The splatter and horror, though, we are back in theaters for several years now, as never happened the same with Dylan? It is credible to suggest that "witch hunt"has found its bitter end metafumettistica and inquisitors have won?

Tiz. "I said that Dylan changes depend on the public's tastes? It amazes me. I remember saying that my tastes change. Furthermore, thank goodness, Bonelli have never done marketing research: we always did what they liked us. As a "witch hunt", was a political metaphor. No, the inquisitors did not win, but I'm still strong. The struggle must continue. "

Despite your sentence "the artists is not people" has become something of a cliché, reading your screenplays (some around is located), it appears like you have always sought to establish a very direct relationship with the artists with which you were working. Today, production requirements and editorial choices, choosing their own designer, Bonelli, is a luxury that is granted to very few and sometimes also happens to work without knowing what Designer will be responsible for its own history. How you lived your relationship with designers and don't you think that a clear separation between designers and writers end up negatively affect overall quality of a series?

Tiz. "I didn't know that that phrase was leaked. There must be a leak. However, was clearly a paradox, as saying at a feminist "women are people". Seriously, I've always said that the comic is a collective work: screenwriter, cartoonist, letterista, editors. As far as I'm concerned, no separation. "

Many myths circulate in your account and on your relationship with the writing, some fed directly by you (through your rare interviews), other hearsay. One of these legends want your run from Scripture is due to disappointment stemming from failure to success (public, rather than criticism) of your novels. It was really so important statement as a writer pure, for you? And, if so, why?

Tiz. "But no, it wasn't important. Of course, I was pleased, but it was a small thing. The truth is that they are old and tired, practically retire. "

There are many to be considered one of the greatest comic writers of all time. Your fame, however, pays the duty to your nationality. You'd like to be born in America or England and have access to that kind of market (and its commercial exploitation), with your works?

Tiz. "I read somewhere on the Internet in my biography, which if you were born in America would become famous. Thank you everyone who has written but I do not know these things you never can tell, people have a lot of them good. Fame to me little or no commercial exploitation, but yes, money is important. "

Do you ever weighed in the shadow of Dylan Dog?

Tiz. "No, why? We're friends. "

I know for a fact that you're still a big fan of cinema and remember reading that, for some time, even a video game. Li read more comics for professional reasons?

"I love video games, I am the eleventh Muse. And I love the cinema. The comics I read them every now and then. Some graphic novel. But more than anything I read my passions, Tintin,Astérix, Jeff Hawke, Dick Tracy... In these days I'm rileggendomi all Peanuts. "

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Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite,
i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti...
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 09/04/2012 : 15:47:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Procitao danas.Koje sranje.
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Posted - 09/04/2012 : 18:36:40  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Oki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Solid Snake

Procitao danas.Koje sranje.

...King Kong nategnuo Godzilu i rodilo im se dijete -veliki gušter na mamu,a opsesija za plavušama na tatu...
...moj zaključak nakon pogleda na naslovnicu...
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Solid Snake
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Posted - 09/04/2012 : 20:35:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Solid Snake a Private Message  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 10/04/2012 : 20:58:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit CZdravko's Homepage  Send CZdravko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
U potrazi sam za nekim Dylan Dog piratskim izdanjima, pa evo link sa burze stripova:

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Posted - 10/04/2012 : 23:11:12  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit CZdravko's Homepage  Send CZdravko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
...i toliko o mom linku... Hocu ja da se "bavim piraterijom"...

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DeeCay suradnik

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Posted - 11/04/2012 : 10:58:20  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dylan u Zemlji čudesa
Dylan Dog
DD LIBKB 1a | 32 str.

Mladi Dylan i Alice, blagoslovljeni dječjom razigranošću, zajedno doživljavaju pustolovine u fantastičnoj Zemlji čudesa gdje je sve moguće. No problemi iz stvarnog svijeta neprestano nadiru i prijete raskinuti njihovo prijateljstvo, a kako svi znamo, pravi prijatelji nikad se ne napuštaju…

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."
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Posted - 11/04/2012 : 19:55:00  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send emirem a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sjeme ludila, Cijena smrti, 3ca strana medalje, Nocni lov/Znak vampira, Vjestica iz Brentforda, Broj 200, Daisy & Queen, Sedmi krug... i Rekvijem za čudovište..

Ovo su savjeti clanova za citati od redovne LUD edicije da li zna kakvi su trobroji zadnji citao "cvijet tame"?!

Idem u Zgb na g.odmor pa bih usput kupio "hrpu" literature....

"Kompromisi u kolekcionarstvu su one stvari koje ce ti omoguciti da dozivis starost sa pozamasnom ustedjevinom!"
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Posted - 12/04/2012 : 00:00:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DOMI a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zna li tko kada ide DD Gigant 10, DD Almanah i DD Special
43 godine Alan Forda u HR DAN OSVETE na kioscima

• 54 god.Alan Forda u HR • Od 1970.-2017.izdana su 1063 broja (ukljucujuci Klasik, Super KL, Zlatni KL) •
• Od 2022.Alan Ford u originalnim tablama formata 17x24 cm u novom kolekcionarskom TOP izdanju •
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Posted - 12/04/2012 : 00:22:42  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send mpavin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Otprilike u isto doba ko i lani, pretpostavljan.
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DeeCay suradnik

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Posted - 12/04/2012 : 09:53:41  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send DeeCay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by emirem
Ovo su savjeti clanova za citati od redovne LUD edicije da li zna kakvi su trobroji zadnji citao "cvijet tame"?!

Trobroji su svi podjednako prosječne priče, tako da ne možeš promašiti... A ako dodatno voliš i M&G-ovce onda si na konju.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; the man who never reads lives only one."
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Posted - 12/04/2012 : 13:26:36  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Tonka24 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by King Warrior

Originally posted by Tornadomaster

ova naslovnica je zaista odlicno uradjena, bez mane.

Odlična naslovnica.
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