Odlično. Izgleda da će i on nešto radit, možda Groucha poput Ortolanija.
Originally posted by Poncho Bilo bi lijepo da netko tko zna talijanski ukratko prepriča što je Sclavi pričao.
Rekao je da je tu samo da preda štafetu i da da očinski blagoslov novom uredniku. Te bio pristojan i niš ni rekao kad su spomenuli da bi volili da se vrati pisanju Dylana.
Tih 6 knjiga se podijele na 3 mjeseca pa bude lakše. Ako ih misliš nabavljati prvo trebaš rješavati 11 i 12 dok ih još igdje ima, 13 i 14 za sada nisu u opasnosti od rasprodaje jer ih ima po 50 komada na LL skladištu plus ponešto u striparnicama.
Il futuro alle spalle (The future behind) Story and Screenplay: Luigi Mignacco Drawings: Corrado Roi
"The Nightmare Investigator is poised between dream and reality, between past and future, of all the infinite possible trajectories in which its existence can branch."
L’armonia del silenzio (The harmony of silence) Story and Screenplay: Luigi Mignacco Artwork: Luigi Piccatto, Matthew Santaniello, Renato Riccio
"A wave of strikes on London efferatissimi crimes. But what is its origin? To find out, the Inspector Bloch caters Old Boy, already called into question, previously, by a mysterious girl he met in a park, he turned with the cryptic words: "The horror is here."
La festa dei mostri (The party monsters) Story and Screenplay: Luigi Mignacco Artwork: Riccardo Torti
"It's October 31st, Halloween is holding forth on the streets of London. Dylan investigates between the masks and costumes, including the tricks and pranks of one of the most popular celebrations and more features in the world. But this time the death takes its toll not only for fiction and authentic human blood is pouring profusely."
Anything is possible dec d uej Be the Change You Want to See
"From October 10 to 26, then, fans can admire the designs and a large representation of the original authors, including Bonelli Alberto Gennari (Zone X, Napoleon), Alessandro Nespolino (Adam Wild), Bruno Brindisi (Dylan Dog) , Giampiero Casertano (Dylan Dog), Giuliano Piccininno (Dampyr), Luca Raimondo (Dampyr), Lucio Filippucci (Tex), Raffaele Della Monica (Zagor) and Stefano Casini (Nathan Never). Guests of the event, present during the event, there will be Luca Raimondo, Alberto Gennari, Giuseppe De Nardo (Dylan Dog), Daniele Pool Table (Dylan Dog), Ivo Milazzo (Ken Parker) and international names such as Enrique Breccia (currently at work on a "Texone" soon to be released) and the Japanese artist Fusako Yusaki.
During the event are provided soundtracks, debates, meetings with authors, film screenings and much more."
Anything is possible dec d uej Be the Change You Want to See
Kupio danas u TISAK Multimedia centru u Importanneu (Gl. kolodvor) DD knjige 11 & 12 ,, Te dvije sam platio 320 kn.
Tete ih drže u skladištu ("Radi visoke cijene" - tako su rekle) pa na pultu treba pitati.
Važno: imaju još samo 2 knjige DD 11 i 2 knjige DD 12. Ostalih DD knjiga imaju poprilično.
U Asteroid knjižari (Gajeva) sve rasprodano, zvali su izdavača, no on NEMA VIŠE. SNK sve rasprodao.
45 godina Alan Forda u HR FETIŠ već na kioscima
• 54 god.Alan Forda u HR • Od 1970.-2017.izdana su 1063 broja (ukljucujuci Klasik, Super KL, Zlatni KL) • • Od 2022.Alan Ford u originalnim tablama formata 17x24 cm u novom kolekcionarskom TOP izdanju •
Pa piše da izlazi svaka dva mjeseca, tako da je normalno da nema najave.
"Jok" , dosad je uvijek išla najava isti dan (ili čak dan-dva prije) čim bi aktualni broj išao na kioske. Isto vrijedi i za druga dvomjesečna izdanja (MM, Brendon).
Možda jednostavno Roi kasni s naslovnicom, vidjet ćemo idućih dana...