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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12906 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 17/04/2013 : 01:59:30  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Patrick Cothias je 1980. godine sa sada već dugogodišnjim suradnikom, crtačem Andréom Juillardom, započeo povijesno-pustolovni serijal Masquerouge. Nekoliko godina kasnije, dvojac je započeo svojevrsni prequel, zvan Les 7 Vies de l'Épervier (7 života kopca), ambiciozan i kompleksan strip sa bogatom galerijom likova, koji je progovarao o nekim važnim društvenim, političkim i filozofskim pitanjima. Međutim, Cothias se tu nije zadržao, već je odlučio proširiti univerzum koji čine Masquerouge i 7 života kopca, sa sedam novih serijala, uz pomoć nekoliko novih crtača. Neki od serijala nastavljaju se na prethodna dva, neki su posvećeni drugim likovima. Pritom se svih devet serijala međusobno isprepliću. Cijela saga (devet serijala, pedesetak albuma) dobila je naziv 7 života kopca.

Kao što sam spomenuo, sagu 7 života kopca čini sveukupno devet serijala. Uz Masquerouge i 7 života kopca, tu su još Cœur brûlé, Le Masque de fer, Ninon secrète, Le Fou du Roy, Plume aux vents, Le Chevalier, la Mort et le Diable i Les Tentations de Navarre. Sve ih scenaristički potpisuje Cothias. Brojni su crtači crtali albume, ali najveći broj njih potpisuje André Juillard. Saga je okončana 2004. godine.

Les 7 Vies de l'Épervier (7 života kopca) - sedam albuma

crtež: André Juillard

Masquerouge - deset albuma

crtež: André Juillard (albumi 1-3), Marco Venanzi (albumi 4-10)

Cœur brûlé - sedam albuma

crtež: Jean-Paul Dethorey (albumi 1-2), Michel Méral (albumi 3-7)

Le Masque de fer - šest albuma

crtež: Marc-Renier

Ninon secrète - šest albuma

crtež: David Prudhomme

Le Fou du Roy - devet albuma

crtež: Brice Goepfert

Plume aux vents - četiri albuma

crtež: André Juillard

Le Chevalier, la Mort et le Diable - dva albuma

crtež: Alain Robet

Les Tentations de Navarre - dva albuma

crtež: Pierre Wachs

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins

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Posted - 17/04/2013 : 08:35:55  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jova a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Žig sudbine koji je objavljen u Stripoteci, to je, pretpostavljam, ovih sedam albuma Les 7 Vies de l'Épervier (7 života kopca). Voleo sam taj serijal. Nisam znao da postoji i šira priča, baš bi bilo dobro kada bi neko objavio sve to.
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Posted - 17/04/2013 : 11:28:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Peyo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Osobno sam se nadao da će se netko od izdavača zainteresirati barem za albume koje je crtao Juillard, ali izgleda uzalud.

Šteta, jer sam mišljenja da su to izvrsni albumi, ništa slabiji od na primjer od Pellerinovog L'Éperviera kojeg s nestrpljenjem očekujem.
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Posted - 17/04/2013 : 20:25:52  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send etmgosa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dobar strip. Dobra je i Crvena maska, ali samo epizode koje je crtao Juillard. Poslije njega kvalitet naglo opada.
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12906 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 18/04/2013 : 21:07:26  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sredinom 1990-ih godina, kada sam prvi puta pročitao album 7 života kopca: Bijela smrt u izdanju Slobodne Dalmacije, to je ostavilo veliki trag na mom mladom mozgu. Bio je to važan događaj, jer je bila riječ o naslovu koji mi je pokazao koliko je svijet stripa zapravo bogato i veliko mjesto.

Sličnog su utjecaja na mene imali stripovi kao što su Ken Parker: Duga puška i Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt.

Nakon ovih stripova ništa više nije bilo isto.

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins
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Member since 07/11/2002

Posted - 19/04/2013 : 09:35:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Lorda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja ću samo reći da je Juillard car nad carevima! :)
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Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 23/07/2013 : 21:09:46  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Šou mast go on:
The French comic pad Casemate arrested in the July and August issue with a meegeniete attachment of up to 32 pages on the next album The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk by André Juillard and Patrice Cothias . 21 pages are reserved for a preview of the album. For each page there is a small explanation of Juillard top interviews with both authors. And we took the following info from. The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk cycle 3 Part 1: Fifteen Years Later published in January 2014 by Dargaud and is a continuation of the four-part cycle Waving Feather (four albums between 1995 and 2002 Dargaud) and original, seven-part series The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk (seven albums between 1983 and 1991 at Glénat). After that 'outing' in Canada Ariane de Troïl returns to Paris to find her daughter. Return for the French market gives Dargaud in January 2014 Waving Feather again under the series name The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk. The brand new album will be therefore the meekrijgen number 12 in the series. The title Waving Feather chose Dargaud at the time of care to avoid. conduct process Glénat Cothias conceived several spin-off offreeksen The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk that not all were translated. This produced 53 albums. Ariane daughter played itself starring in a series of these side. The search for Ariane daughter is just the beginning of a new adventure in which Ariane husband (a gay Indian), her beloved Germain Grandpin and even Gaston, the foolish brother of King Louis XIII, play again. The year is 1642 ... Swaying Feather was supposed to be a longer series and ended somewhat abruptly. Juillard campaigned for a faster return to Paris while Cothias had provided on Turtle Island. Much uitgewerkter pirate story Juillard quickly saw himself went overreach in a street without end. Again that Cothias The 7 Lives of the Sparrowhawk (Cycle 1) tells the story of Ariane de Troïl the masked fighter for justice Red Mask as heir of her uncle Gabriel, aka assassin Condor, which is actually her father. She is assisted by Grandpin Germain, a former guard at the court of King Henry IV a deadly attack by Ravaillac could not prevent. Ariane had two children. Louis XIII they had a son, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, a French playwright Molière would be. With Grandpin she had a daughter who was the courtesan Ninon de Lenclos. At the birth of two children they made ​​her point that the children were dead. In all the series Cothias historical reality with fiction, weaves albeit sometimes with a grain of salt as big as the sea is deep. Glénat Cothias followed in his adventure to give birth to it had not followed the reader with equal enthusiasm. Aware increasingly ancillary series A series about the youth of Grandpin was denied while the last two sets both launched after two sections were stopped. The bargain Cothias got the bad reputation that he runs scenarios. You need to have the new adventure of Juillard and Cothias vivacity to understand, though it helps us to understand it. Certain scenes in a broader context fortunately not read all the side sets See also the overview in Fact v / Week for better understanding. album, the next to appear is a one-shot, a complete story so, as demanded by Juillard, but not the end of the series. In the next album will Ariane search for her son. That album will not come before 2016 because meanwhile remains Juillard still Blake and Mortimer signs. A trip to the U.S. he took a fancy to it an adventure of the two Britons to situate. In the 1960s That desire is already transferred to screenwriter Yves Sente .

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Advanced Member

26608 Posts

Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 23/07/2013 : 21:13:28  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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10248 Posts

Member since 28/10/2005

Posted - 23/07/2013 : 22:32:02  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Peyo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zanimljiva stranica:

- Najava nastavka 7 života kopca;
- Odbijena nova verzija Jerry Springa zbog prigovora jednog od Jijeovih sinova (šteta Garcia se čini izvrsnim);
- Uderzo sakuplja Ferrarije;
- Nataša preseksi za Dupuisa i dr.

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Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 23/07/2013 : 23:22:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na njoj često možeš naći novosti iz svijeta BDa prije negoli na nekoj FR/BE stranici.

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Member since 25/01/2010

Posted - 29/11/2013 : 22:52:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit split85's Homepage  Send split85 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Sorare pozivnica:
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Member since 29/06/2008

Posted - 10/07/2014 : 22:03:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send anto a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pre svega hvala neomeđenom (forumaš sa darkvudovog foruma) što mi je pozajmio prvi broj, te tako naterao da pročitam ovaj sjajan strip, koji bi mi ko zna koliko još stajao nepročitan.U stvari, koliko se sećam, svojevremeno sam pročitao drugi broj (prvi objavljen u Stripoteci), možda i treći ( ko sad da se seti, bilo je to pre više od deset godina), nisam pohvatao sve konce i strip mi se činio pomalo konfuzan (nisam ni znao tada da ima i prvi broj), a i crtež me nije impresionirao, tako da sam prekinuo sa praćenjem ovog serijala, a sledeće epizode kupovao po automatizmu.

Šta reći, a da to već nije rečeno - kompleksan strip sa dosta likova koji se bavi kako društvenim tako i političkim pitanjima toga doba, a sve to prožeto sa religijom i filozofijom.I normalno, dobrom akcijom;uglavnom mačevalačkom, ali pomalo i onom razgolićenom.
Mislim da sam "prokinuo" u 4. albumu, Jeronimus, i od tada sam strip teško ispuštao iz ruku.Sjajna priča,sjajno urađeni likovi, dobri dijalozi, odličan kraj.Cothias je uradio sve bez greške (posebno mi je bilo simpatično ubacivanje Portosa,Atosa i Aramisa, kao i Rišeljea u priču).
Žuliardov crtež je dosta dobar (i sve je bolji kako serijal odmiče), mada mi je puno bolji u koloru.Jedine zamerke je što su mu sve ženske previše zgodne (matora Mari ima struk kao tinejdžerka) a posebno što su mu svi likovi (i to oni glavni) sa bradama dosta slični.

Jedva čekam da Fibra (ne verujem da će se neko od domaćih izdavača poduhvatiti ovoga, da se ne lažemo) objavi integral, a nadam se da će nakon toga biti objavljen i četvorodelni nastavak;takođe u Fibrinom integralu.

Dajte nam Ralph Azhama;može i mekokoricen (ali u boji obavezno)!
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Posted - 11/07/2014 : 05:52:03  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send teller an AOL message  Send teller an ICQ Message  Send teller a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Dobar je kobac,dobar...uzimao bi da netko objavi...ali u koloru obavezno.

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Posted - 11/07/2014 : 10:44:09  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Visit mcn's Homepage  Send mcn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
>(matora Mari ima struk kao tinejdžerka)

Korzeti, Anto, korzeti. :P


Zar danas još niste bili na ? *** Moje aukcije:
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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 20/07/2014 : 22:33:17  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Johnny Difool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Izvrsnih 7 života kopca imam započet u tri edicije, a ni u jednoj završen.
Prvi album u izdanju Slobodne Dalmacije, pet epizoda u Comic stripu i dvije u Stripoteci.
S antom dijelim nadu da bi Fibra s vremenom mogla objaviti najprije to, a onda i preostalih 8 (mini) serijala.

Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite,
i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti...
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12906 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 21/07/2014 : 09:13:06  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Johnny Difool

S antom dijelim nadu da bi Fibra s vremenom mogla objaviti najprije to, a onda i preostalih 8 (mini) serijala.

Zapravo ih je sedam, jer se Plume aux vents tretira kao direktan nastavak serijala 7 života kopca. Zato je najnoviji album u serijalu numeriran kao 12., a ne 8.

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins
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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 21/07/2014 : 10:07:51  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Johnny Difool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mr. Bushido

Originally posted by Johnny Difool

S antom dijelim nadu da bi Fibra s vremenom mogla objaviti najprije to, a onda i preostalih 8 (mini) serijala.

Zapravo ih je sedam, jer se Plume aux vents tretira kao direktan nastavak serijala 7 života kopca. Zato je najnoviji album u serijalu numeriran kao 12., a ne 8.

Ispravak, imam ga u 4 edicije, jer je prva epizoda objavljena i u Avanturi.
Svugdje se započne a nigdje da se završi.

Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite,
i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti...
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Member since 17/01/2006

Posted - 21/07/2014 : 21:29:57  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send pcoro a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pa u Stripoteci je završen prvi ciklus od 7 epizoda
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Johnny Difool
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Posted - 22/07/2014 : 00:10:01  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Johnny Difool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Točno, prva epizoda je objavljena u Avanturi a slijedećih 6 u Stripoteci.
Računao sam ovih 6 a ne i onu prvu, broj mi nije štimao pa sam zaključio da ciklus nije kompletiran.

Ja necu imati s kim ostati mlad ako svi ostarite,
i ta ce mi mladost teško pasti...
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Posted - 23/09/2016 : 08:04:27  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jova a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Krajem prošle godine Fibra je objavila ovaj sjajan integral. Pročitao sam sve te epizode ranije u Stripoteci i već tada bio oduševljen, a ovaj kolor integral me je totalno oborio s nogu.
Nadam se da će Fibra uskoro objaviti i integrale povezanih serijala.
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Posted - 23/09/2016 : 08:38:08  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Shaner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jova

Krajem prošle godine Fibra je objavila ovaj sjajan integral. Pročitao sam sve te epizode ranije u Stripoteci i već tada bio oduševljen, a ovaj kolor integral me je totalno oborio s nogu.
Nadam se da će Fibra uskoro objaviti i integrale povezanih serijala.

Direktni nastavak je već objavljen:
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Member since 13/03/2004

Posted - 14/10/2018 : 15:18:44  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send jaki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Šta je zapelo sa 13 albumom?

Ja sam fetišist papira!
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Mr. Bushido suradnik

12906 Posts

Member since 23/09/2005

Posted - 31/07/2022 : 03:14:56  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Mr. Bushido a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uskoro izlazi 14. album.

To će biti prvi koji ne crta Juillard. Umjesto njega dolazi Milan Jovanović.

Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins
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Member since 29/06/2008

Posted - 14/08/2022 : 15:29:18  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send anto a Private Message  Reply with Quote
velika je čast zameniti legendarnog Žijara na kultnom serijalu.

zna li se,jel sa ovim albumom završen treći ciklus?

Dajte nam Ralph Azhama;može i mekokoricen (ali u boji obavezno)!
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Posted - 14/08/2022 : 16:10:33  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send Peyo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anto
zna li se,jel sa ovim albumom završen treći ciklus?

Ako sam dobro razumio treba biti još jedan album.
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Member since 29/06/2008

Posted - 14/08/2022 : 16:43:29  Show Profile Show Extended Profile  Send anto a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hvala pejotl

Dajte nam Ralph Azhama;može i mekokoricen (ali u boji obavezno)!
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