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ReemCP suradnik
13191 Posts
Member since 03/01/2018 |
Posted - 16/02/2018 : 21:32:23
quote: Originally posted by D.J. Hvala Reem CP! Nema dugo su se ponovo rasprodale prve dvije knjige u SNK-u. No nema brige jer cu ih ponovo poslati. Iako ne bih previse cekao sa kupovinom prve knjige jer ih nemam previse. 6. knjiga, Zagor: The Origins ce izaci u 4 mjesecu, radi zakasnjenja u stampariji, no zato ce Zagor: The Lost World (Signature Edition) (A4, HC) izaci na ljeto, sto ce biti mali razmak izmedu izlaska.
Hvala ti puno na informaciji ma ja sam se prije nekih godinu dana vratio ponovno stripovima, pa mi je trebalo neko vrijeme dok sve pohvatam
A i čitao sam ovu temu te mi je drago vidjet s kojom ljubavlju to radiš i kako te to čini sretnim nije ni čudo zašto su ta izdanja tako dobra mislim da ću kroz 3. mjesec ići u ZG pa ću se javit u SNK da mi ostave kad dođu knjige, jer bi volio i ovo skupljati te na neki način ti pružiti podršku za tvoj trud
(i jedno off pitanje ako smijem, jel ti poznat možda UFC borac i legenda Dominick Cruz? Mislim da sam pročitao da si iz San Diega, a on upravo trenira tamo u teamu Alliance MMA..) |
Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
D.J. suradnik
7135 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 16/02/2018 : 21:41:51
Hvala na podrzci! Kad si dosao na forum i kad sam prvi put vidio tvoj nick odmah sam pomislio na Overeema. Inace, pratim UFC, pogotovo tesku i polutesku kategoriju, kao i ludog McGregora koji je van svih kategorija, doslovno. Cak pratim i njegove UFC konferencije jer me covjek ludo nasmijava. Cuo sam za Cruza, ali ga nisam gledao. | |
ReemCP suradnik
13191 Posts
Member since 03/01/2018 |
Posted - 16/02/2018 : 22:00:16
Da da, taj nick je i nastao prema Alistairu, "The Reem" A nastao je ponajviše iz razloga pošto sam 2010. sudjelovao uživo na jednom borilačkom eventu u Karlovcu, poznati Gary "Big Daddy" Goodridge se borio tu večer u main eventu, a zamisli, Alistair je došao kao gost
I čim ti je priredba završila, nas jedno 5 preskočilo ogradu i brzo do Alistaira da se slikamo s njim, i uspjeli Tako da je 2011. nastao nick "Reem" na jednom forumu gdje i danas pišem, a ovdje sam dodao samo ovo "CP" koji je u biti skraćenica tog foruma
Drago mi je da i to pratiš, u Americi je to jako popularno a Conor je sve zaludio izgleda jedino što dugo već ne brani pojas pa mu malo fali da mu ga se oduzme. Uzeo je silne milione sa Floydom pa mu se sad ne da boriti u UFC-u za "siću" ali te pre-fight presice su zakon kad on sudjeluje
Evo nećemo više off u ovoj temi, ipak je ovdje riječ o Zagoru, ali drago mi da smo izmjenili par riječi
Ako mogu dodat, evo kako bi Conor reagirao da nas sad čita na ovom forumu što pišemo o njemu:
Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Advanced Member
10369 Posts
Member since 28/07/2002 |
Posted - 16/02/2018 : 22:30:03
nemoj da te zavara. i meni je nadrobio hrpu tih lazi. naime, zena ga redovito prebije zbog minusa na racunu sa stripovima pa mu se pricinja taj Conor, a i lakse je reci da te on prebio. |
Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom. |
D.J. suradnik
7135 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 06:35:25
quote: Originally posted by Curunir
nemoj da te zavara. i meni je nadrobio hrpu tih lazi. naime, zena ga redovito prebije zbog minusa na racunu sa stripovima pa mu se pricinja taj Conor, a i lakse je reci da te on prebio.
Čuvaj se lektore da umjesto Signature Edition Demona ludila slijedeće godine ne bi bio Sedioli u tom velikom formatu. | |
Advanced Member
10369 Posts
Member since 28/07/2002 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 11:22:49
a cuj, necemo se sad vrijeđati...
Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom. |
Senior Member
2417 Posts
Member since 13/08/2009 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 15:18:44
quote: Originally posted by D.J.
quote: Originally posted by Curunir
nemoj da te zavara. i meni je nadrobio hrpu tih lazi. naime, zena ga redovito prebije zbog minusa na racunu sa stripovima pa mu se pricinja taj Conor, a i lakse je reci da te on prebio.
Čuvaj se lektore da umjesto Signature Edition Demona ludila slijedeće godine ne bi bio Sedioli u tom velikom formatu.
Vidim ja ljuta će krvca pasti. |
Junaci ne ubijaju one koji ne mogu da se brane. |
Advanced Member
10369 Posts
Member since 28/07/2002 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 15:35:53
Sedioli ce biti u velikom formatu kad mu JAJA nateknu od batina |
Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom. |
Senior Member
2417 Posts
Member since 13/08/2009 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 15:39:07
quote: Originally posted by Curunir
Sedioli ce biti u velikom formatu kad mu JAJA nateknu od batina
Svete reči mudri čoveče. Svete.
Sedioli u HC pakovanju.
Junaci ne ubijaju one koji ne mogu da se brane. |
Advanced Member
10369 Posts
Member since 28/07/2002 |
Posted - 17/02/2018 : 18:28:02
sa salmonelom ili bez nje? |
Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom. |
Senior Member
2417 Posts
Member since 13/08/2009 |
Posted - 18/02/2018 : 08:23:58
quote: Originally posted by Curunir
sa salmonelom ili bez nje?
Pa ti bar nije teško pogoditi. |
Junaci ne ubijaju one koji ne mogu da se brane. |
PijaniPatak suradnik
10035 Posts
Member since 20/02/2010 |
Posted - 14/03/2018 : 15:41:24
Vrlo simpatičan, nepristrasan osvrt na prvu knjigu na goodreads
Back in the 1990s, Dark Horse published six issues each of three different comic series from Italian publisher Sergio Bonelli Editore. I found them addicting and really hoped for more. Not much more came, although Dark Horse did later publish a Tex story drawn by Joe Kubert and another Dylan Dog story. Now, Epicenter Comics is finally offering more English translations of Bonelli stories, and it looks like I’m addicted all over again. I hesitate to call myself a Bonelli fan when I’ve only read about twenty-one of their comics, but since I’ve been googling about the company and eagerly planning to buy more of their product (or English translations of it, at least), I guess that I’m a fan.
The Bonelli books may be Italian in origin, but they’re very American in flavor. In fact, they hearken back to an American art form that Americans themselves seem to have largely cast aside. I’m speaking here of the classic American adventure comic strip, which generally fell out of the fashion sometime around the conclusion of World War II. The difference with the Bonellis, though, is that each story has a conclusion and a definite novelistic feel. If you’re an old school comics fan tired of decompressed storytelling, then you should definitely check these out.
…and a Zagor book is a good place to start. The American influence is again heavy here, and Zagor reminds me of Tarzan, especially. In fact, he’s something of an American Tarzan, living in a large American forest. An introductory essay in TERROR FROM THE SEA explains that this forest is called “the Darkwood,” and that it spans Ohio and Pennsylvania. Zagor is not tied to the forest, however, and apparently, many of his adventures take place aboard ships and throughout the globe, during the early nineteenth century time period in which he lives. Historical accuracy is generally not a concern, of course, but who cares? TERROR FROM THE SEA, at least, was a lot of fun.
TERROR FROM THE SEA shows influences beyond American comic strips, and not surprisingly, perhaps, many of these are American, as well. Introductions in TERROR FROM THE SEA cite Edgar Allen Poe (In fact, the story hints that Poe himself was a secret government agent!), H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, as well as British writer William Hope Hodgson. Oscar Wilde said that talent borrows and genius steals, and here, all that “thievery” makes for a fun, heady brew, as Zagor, the “American Tarzan” teams with a character modeled after Robert E. Howard’s Solomon Kane and faces Lovecraftian sea monsters and a sinister human villain.
While I obviously loved this book, I will nonetheless provide a few caveats. First, it should be known that the binding seems a little cheap. The paper is nice and glossy, and the colors are beautiful, but even after one reading, my copy looks a bit worn. Second, I will note that there are some issues with the Italian-to-English translation. Words are occasionally misspelled, and the introductory essays (all by Italian authors) include some odd phrasing. Third, this is admittedly not the most culturally sensitive of works. Zagor is a Caucasian man who has adopted some Native American culture and weapons, and like Tarzan, there’s a bit of a “white savior” aspect about him. It gets worse, however, as his favorite exclamation is "Thousand scalps!," his side kick is a stereotypical fat, lazy Mexican named “Chico” and the sailing crew actually includes a black man named “Sambo.” Zagor himself was created in 1961 (as explained in one of the aforementioned introductory essays), and as noted, he’s at least somewhat modeled after Tarzan, who was still very popular at that time. We can, then, take some of this as reflecting an earlier time period and as simple Italian ignorance of modern American sensitivities. That said - personally, I probably would have at least changed “Sambo’s” name for the American editions.
I am hoping, though, that my caveats don’t dissuade anyone from giving Zagor a try. I suspect that if more Americans tried this series, that they’d be as addicted as I am – and I really am hoping for both more Zagor and more Bonelli series in general to enjoy here in the United States. |
DNEVNIK CITANJA: Etika junaštva i deklišeizirani koreni u “Zagor prica...”
Edited by - PijaniPatak on 14/03/2018 16:09:34 |
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PijaniPatak suradnik
10035 Posts
Member since 20/02/2010 |
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Member since 28/07/2002 |
Posted - 14/03/2018 : 22:13:14
a tek oni Dear strangler |
Ne upuštajte se u raspravu s budalama, spustit ce vas na svoju razinu, a potom vas zatuci iskustvom. |
PijaniPatak suradnik
10035 Posts
Member since 20/02/2010 |
Senior Member
2660 Posts
Member since 09/08/2014 |
Posted - 15/03/2018 : 08:00:43
ovaj deo je interesantan:
quote: Originally posted by PijaniPatak
While I obviously loved this book, I will nonetheless provide a few caveats. First, it should be known that the binding seems a little cheap. The paper is nice and glossy, and the colors are beautiful, but even after one reading, my copy looks a bit worn. Second, I will note that there are some issues with the Italian-to-English translation. Words are occasionally misspelled, and the introductory essays (all by Italian authors) include some odd phrasing. Third, this is admittedly not the most culturally sensitive of works. Zagor is a Caucasian man who has adopted some Native American culture and weapons, and like Tarzan, there’s a bit of a “white savior” aspect about him. It gets worse, however, as his favorite exclamation is "Thousand scalps!," his side kick is a stereotypical fat, lazy Mexican named “Chico” and the sailing crew actually includes a black man named “Sambo.” Zagor himself was created in 1961 (as explained in one of the aforementioned introductory essays), and as noted, he’s at least somewhat modeled after Tarzan, who was still very popular at that time. We can, then, take some of this as reflecting an earlier time period and as simple Italian ignorance of modern American sensitivities. That said - personally, I probably would have at least changed “Sambo’s” name for the American editions.
Kompletni popis Bonelli stripova u Excelu |
Advanced Member
6410 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 15/03/2018 : 09:18:38
"Don't mix frogs and gradndmothers" sindrom. A što se tiče ovog da su autori uvodnih tekstova Talijani, u kulturološkom smislu bi i mogli proći kao Sicilijanci |
Edited by - VALTER on 15/03/2018 09:33:54 |
Advanced Member
10819 Posts
Member since 18/01/2010 |
Posted - 15/03/2018 : 22:33:02
Sto bi onom Sambi mijenjali ime? Pa nije nacrtan kao "Pjevac jazza". |
"Kompromisi u kolekcionarstvu su one stvari koje ce ti omoguciti da dozivis starost sa pozamasnom ustedjevinom!" |
D.J. suradnik
7135 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 15/03/2018 : 23:50:22
quote: Originally posted by VALTER
"Don't mix frogs and gradndmothers" sindrom. A što se tiče ovog da su autori uvodnih tekstova Talijani, u kulturološkom smislu bi i mogli proći kao Sicilijanci
Hehe! Ne zna taj da su autori tekstova specijalna sorta: doktori zagorolozi.😄😄 | |
D.J. suradnik
7135 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 15/03/2018 : 23:59:06
quote: Originally posted by emirem
Sto bi onom Sambi mijenjali ime? Pa nije nacrtan kao "Pjevac jazza".
Ma da, to je kao politički korektno. Iako mora se priznati da Boselli voli prikazati Afriku crno i to ne mislim na rasno, nego mjesto koje je duhovno crno. Terror from the Sea bas i nije prvi strip koji guram u ruke crnim prijateljima, a kad razmislim, ni drugu knjigu The Red Sand ne bi bas gurao u ruke Indijancima, pogotovo s onim Rubinijevom coverom. Hmm, kad bolje razmislim još će ispasti da izdajem neki rasistički strip. | |
going going
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Average Member
821 Posts
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Posted - 16/03/2018 : 04:38:05
Nemate pojma koliko su politicki korektni. Ovde svi mogu biti rasisti samo belci ne, jer sacuvaj boze, moze da se druga strana uvredi. |
Advanced Member
6410 Posts
Member since 21/07/2002 |
Posted - 16/03/2018 : 08:13:32
quote: Originally posted by D.J. ...Boselli voli prikazati Afriku crno i to ne mislim na rasno, nego mjesto koje je duhovno crno. Terror from the Sea bas i nije prvi strip koji guram
Zašto bi Afrika u "duhovnom smislu" bila "crnja" od drugih kontinenata? |
King Warrior suradnik
22327 Posts
Member since 10/11/2007 |
Posted - 16/03/2018 : 11:56:25
Igore, moguće da si se malo zaletio sa origins pričama. Možda bi bilo bolje sačekati da vidiš kako će ispasti ova nova mini serija o Zagorovom postanku. |
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