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Posted - 06/06/2011 : 22:29:56
Da, bilo bi steta da veliki Grantovi planovi propadnu. Ali to sto ce Bruce biti jedini BATMAN, ne mora nuzno znaciti da nece biti drugih "zastupnika" po svijetu. Moguce je da ce se planovi nastaviti. Mene osobno strasno veseli sto ce Winick i Snyder pisati dio bat univerzuma. Jako voim te pisce. |
Ima nešto u njemu proslijedeno od nepoznate majke i propala oca na sina. Kaljeno savješcu. Brušeno disciplinom. |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 06/06/2011 : 22:49:11
Sad je službeno, Dick Grayson je opet Nightwing. Sad se zbilja brinem za Batman Incorporated.
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
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Posted - 06/06/2011 : 23:04:09
slazem se teski klaunovi..znaci sve ovo sta se napise izmedu dva inca je jedan ogromni filler.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
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Posted - 07/06/2011 : 18:16:20
DC Embraces Its Dark Side
Ovo je ono šta je DC falilo.Ovi naslovi izgledaju tako privlačno.Ovo je DC po mom guštu. Jedva čekam
DC Comics embraces its dark side. On the 40th anniversary of the character’s creation, the New York Times bestselling writer of AMERICAN VAMPIRE, Scott Snyder, teams up with Yannick Paquette (BATMAN, INCORPORATED) to bring horror back to the DC Universe in SWAMP THING #1. For years, one man served against his will as the avatar of nature. And while he may have been freed of the monster, he’s about to learn the monster will never truly let go of him.
John Constantine, Deadman, Shade the Changing Man and Madame Xanadu are Justice League Dark, a band of supernatural heroes united to stop the dark things the rest of the DCU does not see in JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1, by Peter Milligan and artist Mikel Janin.
Buddy Baker has gone from “super” man to family man – but is he strong enough to hold his family together when Maxine, his young daughter, starts to manifest her own dangerous powers? Find out in ANIMAL MAN #1, the start of a dramatic new series by acclaimed writer Jeff Lemire and artists Travel Foreman and Dan Green.
Set in the Middle Ages, the Demon leads an unlikely team to defend civilization and preserve the last vestiges of Camelot against the tide of history. Critically-acclaimed writer Paul Cornell and artists Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert combine sorcery, swords and superheroes in DEMON KNIGHTS #1.
Frankenstein and his network of strange beings work for an even stranger government organization: The Super Human Advanced Defense Executive. It’s the breakout hero of Seven Soldiers as you’ve never seen him before in FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF SHADE #1, the first issue of a dark new series from acclaimed writer Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, The Nobody) and artist Alberto Ponticelli.
A cult favorite character returns in a new series written by his classic creative team of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Joining them is JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST artist Fernando Dagnino. RESURRECTION MAN #1 is the story of a hero who wakes up with new powers each time he’s killed.
Vampires threaten to bring ruin to the DC Universe in I, VAMPIRE #1 by rising star Josh Fialkov and artist Andrea Sorrentino. Tortured by his centuries-old love for the Queen of the Damnned, Andrew Bennett must save humanity from the violent uprising of his fellow vampires, even if it means exterminating his own kind.
Priscilla Kitaen has just found out she’s a monster. A half-alien hybrid, the woman known as Voodoo must confront the secrets of her past to make sense of the nightmare her life has suddenly become. VOODOO #1 will be written by Ron Marz with art by Sami Basri. |
Edited by - provodina on 07/06/2011 18:20:07 |
swamp thing
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
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Posted - 07/06/2011 : 19:25:16
Ovo mi je možda najzanimljiviji niz najava.
Samo, Jeff Lemire je već najavljen za dva naslova. Znači li to da više neće pisati Superboya?
I čini se kako će zbilja doći do integracije Wildstorma. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 07/06/2011 : 19:42:43
uf swamp thinga jedva cekam..a od ovih ostalih najzanimljivi mi je Resurrection Man..svaki put kad ga ubiju dobije neku novu moc.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Paka01 suradnik
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Posted - 07/06/2011 : 21:19:56
Mora da je mnogo jadan heroj cim gine toliko. :D Ovaj Justice League Dark mi deluje kul.Je l Konstantin i ranije imao izlete u glavni DC univerzum? |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 07/06/2011 : 21:30:18
quote: Originally posted by Sandman.
Je l Konstantin i ranije imao izlete u glavni DC univerzum?
Ne da je imao izlete nego odatle i potječe. Vertigo još nije postojao kada ga je Alan Moore predstavio u serijalu Swamp Thing. Štoviše, Constantineov strip, Hellblazer, nije postao dio edicije Vertigo sve do 1993. godine. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Advanced Member
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Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 07/06/2011 : 21:54:01
quote: Originally posted by Sandman.
Mora da je mnogo jadan heroj cim gine toliko. :D
pa sta ga briga..ionako se uvik dize iz mrtvih i to mocniji nego prije smrti.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Edited by - brni on 07/06/2011 21:54:27 |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 07/06/2011 : 21:55:45
i meni je animal man jako interesantan..ako mogu primjetiti doveli su stvarno jaku ekipu..vertigo se takoreci preselia na ovo.. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Senior Member
1324 Posts
Member since 29/03/2005 |
Posted - 09/06/2011 : 17:55:00
Ali nema Secret Six. :( A oni Teen titansi su odvratni. |
Ima nešto u njemu proslijedeno od nepoznate majke i propala oca na sina. Kaljeno savješcu. Brušeno disciplinom. |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 09/06/2011 : 18:10:48
quote: Originally posted by Raven84
Ali nema Secret Six. :( A oni Teen titansi su odvratni.
Čeka nas još najava, pogotovo za Supermana. Ima još nade za Secret Six.
Makar Didio bio koscenarist, ovaj Giffenov OMAC me jako zanima.
Btw, Liefeld će crtati Hawk and Dove. Ispada da su trojica tipova koji su bili odgovorni za Heroes Reborn sada dijelom ovog DC-jevog restarta (Lee, Liefeld, Harras). |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Paka01 suradnik
11449 Posts
Member since 14/02/2009 |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
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Posted - 10/06/2011 : 02:41:26
Liefeld (vezano uz bilo što) - argh..!
što zapravo htjedoh reći: iako ne volim baš eksperimentiranja tipa Justice League Dark (npr. ono što su u Marvelu s Punisherom napravili - Frankencastle, jel, ili one gluposti s uskrsnućem iz devedesetih), moram priznati da zvuči zanimljivo pa ću svakako pogledati kad izađe. nadam se samo da regularnog Hellblazera (i Vertigo općenito) neće ni na koji način dirati. |
Split your lungs with Blood and Thunder
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 10/06/2011 : 16:33:28
quote: Originally posted by fler
nadam se samo da regularnog Hellblazera (i Vertigo općenito) neće ni na koji način dirati.
Mislim da je Milligan rekao kako će biti zanimljivo pisati dvije verzije Constantinea.
Tako da, za Vertigo se još ne moramo brinuti.
Nego, da rezimiramo koji su sve naslovi najavljeni do sada.
1. Justice League #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee
2. Justice League International #1 by Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti
3. Teen Titans #1 by Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund
4. Suicide Squad #1 by Adam Glass and Marco Rudy
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. Batman #1 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
10. Detective Comics #1 by Tony Daniel
11. Batman: The Dark Knight #1 by David Finch
12. Batgirl #1 by Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes
13. Batwoman #1 by J.H. Williams III, Haden Blackman and Amy Reeder
14. Catwoman #1 by Judd Winick and Guillem March
15. Red Hood And The Outlaws #1 by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort
16. Batwing #1 by Judd Winick and Ben Oliver
17. Nightwing #1 by Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows
18. Batman And Robin #1 by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
19. Birds Of Prey #1 by Duane Swierczynski and Jesus Saiz
20. Green Lantern #1 by Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy
21. Green Lantern Corps #1 by Peter J. Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin and Scott Hanna
22. Green Lanterns: New Guardians #1 by Tony Bedard, Tyler Kirkham and Batt
23. Red Lanterns #1 by Peter Milligan, Ed Benes and Rob Hunter
24. Aquaman #1 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis
25. Wonder Woman #1 by Brian Azzarello #1 and Cliff Chiang
26. Flash #1 by Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul
27. Green Arrow #1 by JT Krul and Dan Jurgens
28. DC Universe Presents #1 by Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang
29. Savage Hawkman #1 by Tony Daniel and Philip Tan
30. Blue Beetle #1 by Tony Bedard and Ig Guara
31. Fury Of Firestorm #1 by Gail Simone, Ethan Van Sciver and Yildiray Cinar
32. Mr Terrific #1 by Eric Wallace and Roger Robinson
33. Captain Atom #1 by JT Krul and Freddie Williams II
34. OMAC #1 by Dan DiDio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish
35. Static Shock #1 by Felicia Henderson, John Rozum, Scott McDaniel and Jonathan Glapion
36. Hawk And Dove #1 by Sterling Gates and Rob Liefeld
37. Deathstroke #1 by Kyle Higgins, Joe Bennett and Art Thibert
38. Legion of Superheroes by Paul Levitz and Francis Portela
39. Legion Lost #1 by Fabian Nicieza and Pete Woods
40. Grifter #1 by Nathan Edmondson, CAFU and BIT
41. Voodoo #1 by Ron Marz and Sami Basri
42. Stormwatch #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda
43. Animal Man #1 by Jeff Lemire, Travel Foreman and Dan Green
44. Swamp Thing #1 by Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
45. Justice League Dark #1 by Peter Milligan and Mikel Janin
46. Demon Knights #1 by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert
47. Frankenstein: Agent Of SHADE #1 by Jeff Lemire and Alberto Ponticelli
48. Resurrection Man #1 by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Fernando Dagnino
49. I, Vampire #1 by Josh Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino
50. Blackhawks #1 by Mike Costa and Ken Lashley
51. Sgt Rock And The Men Of War #1 by Ivan Brandon and Tom Derenick
52. All-Star Western #1 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Grey and Moritat
Ostalo je još samo sačekati najave za Supermanove naslove. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Advanced Member
10434 Posts
Member since 18/06/2009 |
Posted - 10/06/2011 : 22:15:22
evo potvrde..
A new era of DC Comics begins as the longest-running monthly comic of all time releases its first issue #1 since 1938.
This September, New York Times bestselling writer Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) joins with sensational artist Rags Morales to bring you tales of The Man of Tomorrow unlike any you’ve ever read before in ACTION COMICS #1. This momentous first issue will set in motion the history of the DC Universe as Superman defends a world that doesn’t trust their first Super Hero.
The first Action Comics #1 is now the most sought-after comic book of all time. This September, one of comics’ most imaginative storytellers will make history again in Grant Morrison and Rags Morales’ ACTION COMICS #1.
What is Superman’s startling new status quo? How does it affect his friends, loved ones and his job at The Daily Planet? Find out in SUPERMAN #1, written by legendary comics creator George Perez (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, NEW TEEN TITANS and WONDER WOMAN) and illustrated by Jesus Merino.
Supergirl’s got the unpredictable behavior of a teenager, the same powers as Superman and none of his affection for the people of Earth. Writers Michael Green and Mike Johnson (Smallville, SUPERMAN/BATMAN) will team up with artist Mahmud Asrar to give a new take on the teenager from Krypton in SUPERGIRL #1.
They thought he was just a failed experiment, grown from a combination of Kryptonian and human DNA. But when the scope of his stunning powers was revealed, he became a deadly weapon. SUPERBOY #1 will be written by Scott Lobdell with art by R.B. Silva and Rob Lean. |
"Clark Kent je Supermanova kritika covjecanstva" |
Edited by - brni on 10/06/2011 22:31:48 |
Advanced Member
3254 Posts
Member since 28/07/2009 |
Posted - 10/06/2011 : 22:44:21
E Bushido, kad bi jos datume dodao na onaj popis ... Dosao bih ti pivo ili stavec. |
Edited by - Grujah. on 10/06/2011 22:44:38 |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 10/06/2011 : 22:46:06
Ovaj Moralesov teaser je sjajan.
Možda i najbolja najava koju sam do sada vidio. |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
Mr. Bushido suradnik
12949 Posts
Member since 23/09/2005 |
Posted - 10/06/2011 : 22:46:58
quote: Originally posted by Grujah.
E Bushido, kad bi jos datume dodao na onaj popis ... Dosao bih ti pivo ili stavec.
Kakve datume? Datume objave? |
Comics is any art you can read. -- Sean T. Collins |
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